La modelo enana que cambió el mundo de la moda

La modelo enana que cambió el mundo de la moda

La joven nació con acondroplasia, un trastorno genético que afecta el crecimiento óseo y causa el tipo más común de enanismo.

Dru Presta es una modelo enana que irrumpe y revoluciona el mundo de la moda. Es oriunda de Reno, Nevada, y padece acondroplasia, un trastorno genético que afecta el crecimiento óseo y causa el tipo más común de enanismo.

Esta joven, de 21 años, sueña con convertirse en una reconocida figura de pasarela a pesar de “no cumplir con los requisitos”; el hecho de no alcanzar el 1.76 obligatorio que piden las agencias, no es un limitante para Presta que lucha en busca de la inclusión y la diversidad en un mundo bastante complejo, como es el de la moda.

Debido a que no había tenido buena suerte en algunas agencias de modelaje, Dru decidió mudarse a Los Ángeles, ciudad donde su carrera va despegando con éxito.

With this hair shoot, she wanted me to be natural. To be myself and have my fierceness show! @hairxdylspear, thank you for having an open mind. You never cared what I looked like, you took what I gave you and your seriously an AMAZING STYLIST! Thank you for teaching me about my own hair and embracing its natural state. ❤️ The debate of posting theses will be endless. I know I’m going to be getting a lot of shit for these…. BUT ITS TIME TO BECOME AWARE!! Cannabis has helped me so much with being here in Los Angeles. I have such bad stomach issues I can go days without eating and not feel a thing. I loved food but I could never keep it down. It helps me eat, keeps my digestion down and normal, and it helped calm my anxiety, and my depression. The views on cannabis is changing, it’s helping people and I’m still WORKING, I’m a FULL TIME student, and I’m graduating with my bachelors at the age of 22. It’s not harming me. It’s helping me build to who I am and I show you all of me, and not feel sick or nauseas doing it. Thank you @angelrod_films For being one of my favorite photographers and having an amazing vision!! We’re going far, and my team is with me. 🔥🌹❤️ Hair: @hairxdylspear Photos: @angelrod_films

Una publicación compartida de Dru Presta (@g0lden.bebe) el

Ella se describe a sí misma como una “modelo body positive”, cuya meta es mostrarle al mundo que tener confianza y una actitud positiva son claves para llevar a cabo todo lo que uno se proponga.

#nationalbikiniday is always a good day. 🍑 . . . Mood: always on vacation in Los Angeles ☀️ This photoshoot I had to really bring all my confidence together to be posing in front of everyone on the beach in a bikini. I knew they were looking and staring but when you do what you love, this Mami soaked up their curiosity and showed them what all I got. 👅 Posing in a bikini is not the highlight of this, it’s the courage I had to do it in front of everyone and not give af about it. This photoshoot made me realize how much I grew and I couldn’t more proud of my self. Never forget to clap yourself on your back to remind yourself. 🔥 @jennsmoment thanks for boosting me up while taking the pictures, we got big plans ahead of us girl 💕

Una publicación compartida de Dru Presta (@g0lden.bebe) el

A través de su cuenta de Instagram, Dru comparte mensajes inspiradores a sus más de 22 mil seguidores que la apoyan.